This chav lad is sitting on the bench at the police
station. He went to rob a local store for some new gear. He was kitted out all
in black, but the stupid fucker wore stripy socks and hi-vis gloves, so he really
stood out and was spotted by the cops when he tried to run away. He worked up a
sweat as the cops chased after him, and when they finally caught up with him,
he was tackled to the ground, pinned down and chained up with handcuffs, leg
irons and a chain connecting them. They shouted that he was under arrest and pulled
him up onto his feet, and he felt the full weight of the shackles around his
ankles. The cocky lad had lost his arrogant swagger as he struggled to walk in chains.
For added humiliation, he was forced to walk through the town in cuffs and
chains on a Saturday night, when the last shoppers were going out and the bars
and clubs were starting to fill up so the streets were crowded. A lot of people
stared at him, some took photos or filmed him on their phones and a few shouted
On arrival at the police station, the lad was locked up in a holding cell with bars, where he was shackled to a bench, still in the full restraints. After a while it looked like the officers were not coming back, he was getting horny and there was nothing else to do, so he had a wank and creamed all over the inside of his trackies. About two hours later, more prisoners were brought into the cell, and it started to fill up with drunk lads. None of them were restrained, and he was the only one in chains. There was a toilet in the cell and he watched the other lads pissing, and he needed a piss, but he was still shackled to the bench and could not reach it. He was squirming and some piss leaked out, and eventually he couldn’t hold it in and he let it flow and pissed his pants. The other guys noticed and they pointed at laughed at him. There was nothing he could do as he was cuffed and chained to the bench and they were not.
next morning, he was taken out of the cell into the admissions area, where he
was strip searched. His trousers were almost dry but they still smelled of piss
and had a cum stain, and the coppers called him a dirty cunt. The restraints
were removed (temporarily) and he had to strip naked, bend over and spread his
butt cheeks, lift up his dick and balls and roll back his foreskin. He then had
to stand naked with his hands on his head and his legs spread apart while an
officer inspected his body, paying close attention to his anus and genitals. This
happened just outside the cell so the other lads could watch through the bars,
and they whistled at him and shouted comments about him enjoying the search and
about the size of his dick. After he had put his gear back on, the restraints
were put back on.

another night in the cells, he was taken to court, still in full restraints.
His was one of the first hearings, and he was remanded in custody. He was
taken to a holding cell in the basement, where he spent the next eight hours
until the end of the court day. Throughout that time, he was still wearing full
restraints and shackled to a bench, with nothing to eat or drink and no access
to a toilet. He was then transported to prison.
On arrival at the prison, he
was strip searched again. Just like last time, he had to strip naked, bend over
and spread his arse cheeks, lift up his dick and balls and roll back his
foreskin. This time he was not allowed to put his clothes back on, and was
immediately handcuffed behind his back while still naked, and had to kneel
while a guard put leg irons on him. While he was on his knees, the guard took
an electric razor and shaved the prisoner’s head. He then had to stand up and
walk along the corridor to the showers, where the restraints were removed and
he had to stand under a cold shower and wash himself while the guards watched.
He then had to dry himself with a small worn towel, and was immediately
handcuffed behind his back and put in leg irons again. He had to walk upstairs,
naked and in chains, to the cell which would be his new home.
When he got to the cell,
the prisoner’s handcuffs and shackles were removed and he was given a set of
orange prison scrubs and plastic flip flops. The uniform fitted tightly and he had
no underwear so it really showed off his bulge and arse. He had to kneel while a
guard put the leg irons back on, and they stayed on. He spent the next six
months in prison before his trial. He was convicted of burglary and sentenced
to 10 years in prison. While in prison he wore leg shackles at all times except
in the shower, his head was shaved regularly and he had to do hard labour in a
chain gang.
Very hot, i love scallies in Nike or Adidas tracksuits arrested, handcuffed :D