Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Jail Mugshots 4

Trey Lawson, age 16, arrested for disorderly conduct at school

Trey has been arrested for disorderly conduct at school, so he is obviously a disruptive student who needs to be taught a lesson. First he will be strip searched and given a body cavity search. His clothes will be taken away and he will be given a prison uniform. He looks cute in his pink t-shirt but the orange scrubs will suit him even better. He will be locked up overnight in a cell, and taken to court the next day. It will be embarrassing for him to appear in public, in front of all his friends, in an orange prison uniform and in cuffs and shackles, but it's what he deserves.

Matthew Thomas, age 18, arrested for driving while intoxicated

Matthew has been brought into the jail and is about to be strip searched. He will have to strip naked, bend over and spread his ass cheeks, and stand naked with his hands on his head and his legs spread apart while the officers inspect his body, paying close attention to his cock and ass. He will then be restrained with handcuffs attached to a chain around his waist and leg irons, and taken to a holding cell where he will spend the next few hours with the restraints still on, before being locked up in a cell with other prisoners.

Baron Markley, age 19, arrested for assault on a female

Baron was arrested for a violent crime. He should be kept in jail until his trial. While in jail he should stay handcuffed and shackled at all times, even in his cell, and be subject to regular strip searches and body cavity searches.

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